2015年8月18日 星期二

尼泊爾雪地之光學校需要您 Help Nepal Snowland School

 On April 25th, 2:11pm, a magnitude 7.8 earthquake struck the ancient country-Nepal, which caused a serious damage since 80 years ago. Numerous buildings are damaged and collapsed down, thousands of families are effected and lost their beloved. There are over two thousand victims in this disaster, more than ten thousand people are injured. The earthquake turned a beautiful country into a devastated disaster area. 
位於加德滿都市郊的希望小學 『雪地之光學校』,也因此次強震導致破舊校舍圍牆瞬間倒塌、學生宿舍地板崩裂,全校150多位學童驚恐逃出,只能先露宿學校前的空地,當地沒水沒電、也無帳篷遮蔽,部分年紀幼小的孩童更因強震驚嚇過度,吃不下也睡不著,深怕又再次地動天搖。
 The Charity school – Snowland Ranang Light of Education School, located in the country side of Kathmandu, was also serious damaged by the struck of the earthquake. The old school building and walls is damaged and collapsed down, the floor of student dorm is burst open, and over 150 terrified students ran out of school building, spending their night at the open ground in front of school. There are no water and electricity at the moment, nor any tents are not available,  some of young children are even too terrified to eat and sleep, they are worried the earthquake will hit again.
 There is a big difference in temperature between day and night in Nepal at the moment, and the rain season is coming within 2~3 weeks. The student is facing an even more hard situation then now.

 We urgently need you to help the terrified and helpless children and families in Nepal to overcome the difficulties they are facing after the earthquake. Heal their body and mind with your love.
尼泊爾雪地之光,安置、重建、修護、生活所需專戶帳號 Help Nepal Snowland Account
Donation  Nepal  Account – Nepal  尼泊爾專戶    
 A/C No.            : 01411000170
 Swift Code        : LXBLNPKA
E-mail: srsnadia@gmail.com  
Donation Taiwan  Account – Taiwan  台灣專戶
1.郵政劃撥帳戶:50067203 台北市藍毗尼佛學會
戶名:PHURBA TASI GURUNG 帳號:070-62-384373
感恩 !   

Dolpo Buddha 尼泊爾賑災

位於尼泊爾首都加德滿都西北80公里處於425日發生芮氏規模7.8的強震,重創尼泊爾並造成數千人罹難。強震造成建築物坍塌、毀損,難以估計的傷民流離失所、飢寒交迫卻得不到援助,如此困境普遍存在,使得原先就已十分貧窮的尼泊爾雪上加霜,而偏遠地區民眾更顯無助。羅納雪地之光學校(Snowland Ranag Light of Education School)創辦人-祖古仁欽仁波切Dolpo Buddha(Tulku Ranag Rinchen Rinpoche)悲憫眾生,於災後積極奔走與籌款募物資,在安頓好學校學童後續而救濟尼泊爾卡夫雷區(Kavre)災民,祈願在惡劣的環境下至少得以溫飽及有一個遮風避雨的棲身之處。
Doplo Buddha(Tulku Ranag Rinchen Rinpoche)說:「強震重創尼泊爾,諸多人民受苦受難,任誰看見都會想伸出援手,個人的能力有限,聚集大家的愛才是無限的力量,希望這份愛散播在尼泊爾每個角落,謝謝所有關心尼泊爾與參與賑災贊助的每個朋友,有你們才可以完成願眾生離苦得樂的使命,祝大家平安吉祥!

Dolpo Buddha (Snowland School's founder) said:「As we know, Nepal has been badly affected by the devastating earthquake than measures 7.8 rector scale on 25 th April 2015. Thousands of people are affected, lost life and remain devastated. Lost of wealth and infrastructure are incalculable. Each had every people who sees these devastating incidents and suffers; feels to help and grow sympathy towards it. However it is limited to a human’s ability to help all at once but if each one of us unite and give our helping hands together, there is nothing we can’t do or spread the help. Those involved in this disaster relief participation are grateful and true human beings.
May all sentient beings live in peace and harmony﹗”OM MANI PADME HUM